Athletes set goals, they achieve their goals and then they set new ones. This is a repetitious cycle for the most advanced of athletes. For those of us that maybe are not quite as strong, fast or fit, it is difficult to look past one, singular goal. Maybe that goal is to lose 25 pounds or to decrease body fat percentage by 5%. These goals are not easy, nor are they achieved overnight. As we inch towards our desired weight, body fat percentage, overall feeling or any benchmark for that matter, the fog that once kept us from seeing ourselves in our dream condition evaporates. It is in these moments of accomplishment that we often think “job done”. We congratulate ourselves as if we walked home with the gold. Such a success is crucial to commemorate, however, did Michael Phelps, Simone Biles, Lindsay Vonn or any of the world’s most acclaimed olympic athletes win one gold and stop? Did they race fast, ski quick or perform perfectly and never think ‘I can race faster’, ‘I can ski quicker’ or ‘I can perform cleaner’?
Athletes from the first time boxer, yogi and runner to those that dominate the olympic games, channel the mindset of the professional sportsman: set goals, reach goals, set new ones. The embodiment of this mental cycle is reflected in the way that we approach a workout or a weigh-in. It reinforces the notion that many of us preach that reaching a fitness goal is not a sprint, but a marathon.
With this mindset freshly on the frontier of your fitness journey, what happens when you reach a healthy weight, successfully decrease body fat percentage or simply feel amazing? This type of success may become a reality after a few or even many cycles of setting, reaching and re- adjusting goals, but the question is how does the cycle continue even once that one big goal has been met? The answer is as simple as it appears: look past the physical and define health from within.
The beginning of many growing athletes’ journeys are marked by physical progress- numbers, percentages and physical appearances. Therefore, to look past the physical and to define health from within suggests that our health is greater than an external affair. This is not new information; we are taught to be conscious about what, how much and when we eat in order to see physical results. The important thing to note is that internal health is also more than the food we put in our bodies. It is energy levels. digestion, muscle recovery and more!
Setting new goals after reaching some long-worked for gains should not suggest more intense dieting or the manipulation of any existing habits. Try introducing nutrition supplements if this is something that you have yet to explore within your fitness journey. The simple inclusion of some of Leverage Nutrition’s products into your daily life is an easy way to set new health and fitness goals without the invasion of an entirely new meal plan or gym schedule. From upping protein intake or drinking a pre-workout beverage to including a restorative sleep formula or hydration stimulant into your daily routine, you will be armed to truly leverage personal growth in your health and fitness journey all from within.